Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Few Extras

Just a few extra pictures from days at home and school. I've been promising pictures of myself in a sari, so I'm finally coming through with that!

The monsoon season should be here by now, but it is still coming and going week to week. We did have some days with really, really hard could put a Montana thunderstorm to shame. You can't entirely tell it is raining in the pictures, but this was taken out my bedroom window facing our front gate.
This picture is a little blurry, but I have been watching these two women for several morning from our window. They walk up the road around 7AM. Both of the baskets are full of stuff...and notice the lady in the back has a child on her shoulders.

Our neighbor, Oasis (or affectionately called Babu), up for a visit.

Picture day at school! We are in our fancy saris and Pat is rockin' a traditional Nepali topi! We also have green saris and two kurtas that we wear on regular school days.

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