Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sports Day!!!!! (Part 1)

What is sports day??? Well, basically the equivalent of a track and field day at one of our elementary schools....only this involves all 1000 students up through class 10! After a few weeks of practice...yes, practice for the sports day....we had two full days of events. Why do we need to practice? Because this isn't just your ordinary track with running and jumping. Students show their best stuff on everything from team marching and human pyramids to leap frog and skin the snake! The colors in the photos represent the school teams. In any school competition whether it is sports or the spelling competition the students compete with their teams. At the end of the year, there is a school champ....which is kind of fun to have the older kids in class 10 cheering on their little teammates in classes 1 and 2.

There are six teams including Panthers (yellow), Jaguars (purple), Lions (green), Tigers (red), Bears (gray), and Leopards (dark blue). The teachers also get assigned a team, and my roommate Pat and I were both Panthers this year.
The team captains presenting the flags in the opening ceremony of the sports day.
Class 1 and 2 boys going all out in the sack race!
Some of the cuties girls from the little classes showing off their winnings in the sack race. Pramitra is the winner in the purple and Rebika with the missing tooth in the red. Both girls are super cute in class as well!
Only class one boys learning how to line up for the 100 meter dash.
Me giving a pep talk to the girls before musical chairs. Some of the best smiles in classes 3 and 4!
Intense musical have to earn this one!

The class 4 girls awaiting their teammates in the relay race....lots of nervous anticipation!

1 comment:

Renegademaster said...

I'm surprised Pankaj didn't comment on this one. Tigers are green and the Lions are red. don't think they have changed that yet!!