Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Preparing to Depart

If you are visiting my blog, then you already know that I have decided to volunteer the next two years with JVI (Jesuit Volunteers International)! So what does that mean?

First, what is JVI?
Jesuit Volunteers International and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps are non-profit organizations that have evolved in order to place volunteers throughout the United States and abroad to work in schools, social service agencies, non-profits, and parish ministries. JVI as you may have guessed is the international office, and the JVC offices place volunteers in the five domestic regions. Volunteers commit to one year domestically and two years internationally to serve in a job placements working with people often left on the margins of our societies.

How did I get involved?
After graduating from Gonzaga University in 2007, I decided to dedicate the next year to service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. I was placed working with a non-profit in Bridgeport, CT. I learned a lot during my year with JVC and was deeply affected by living out the four JVC values of social justice, simple living, community, and spirituality. During my year with JVC, I applied with the international office to serve as a JV abroad.

Where am I going?
I have been placed in Godavari, Nepal, a village just a short distance south of Kathmandu (the Nepali capital). I will be teaching at the St. Xavier school, but as of now I do not know what grade or subject I will be teaching. I will join the four other JVs currently placed in Nepal, and I am thankful that they will be able to show me the ropes once I arrive. One of the volunteers will leave shortly after I arrive, leaving three of us to live and teach together during the next year.

When do I leave?
My flight departs from Billings early on February 1st! (and I will finally arrive in Kathmandu on February 3rd...whew!)

While I am anxiously awaiting my departure, I am thankful to be home for the holidays. I have a few last items to pack, including warm layers for the Himalayan winter(!), and sadly, a few more goodbyes to say. While I am in Nepal, I will do my best to keep updating this blog and post some pictures. Please feel free to keep in touch and send me news from back home. Thank you for already being part of my experience. If you are interested in the work of other JVs around the world, you can find links to their blogs to the right of this post.

I would also like to thank those of you who donated to my fundraising efforts for JVI during this past Fall. With your help, I succesfully reached my goal, and your contributions make the work of all the volunteers possible.

Happy Holidays!


Manders said...

Yay! Love you, roomie!

Chuck said...

Bon voyage! All our best wishes, and our prayers for a safe journey to a beautiful, far away land. Be a patient and happy teacher, even when your students get on your nerves. Our prayers are with you. GWB is proud of you!

Chuck & Annmarie