Friday, February 6, 2009

The Things I Will Miss

As my bags are packed and my plane ticket is in hand, I can't help but think of the things to which I am saying goodbye. I thought I would share with you a little taste of the home I will miss on those rough days.

Family. My mom and dad have always been the incredible support that holds me up through good times, tough times, big decisions, and life changes.

My brother has always been someone I look up to, and he has now started his own beautiful family with his wife Becky and brand new baby Riley.

My Dogs. I love animals and these pooches are perfect to keep me company during a day at home or to go outside and play...and they are AWESOME bird hunters.

Montana. I am more and more awed every time I come home to Montana. The mountains, the sky, the people, and the places are one of a kind. I love the big outdoors here and will miss everything from riding horses and helping my dad with cows to camping and hiking.
The little collection of buildings to the right is my hometown of Moore.

A gorgeous sunset just outside of town. And...I'm not a very good photographer so imagine in person!

Turning the horses out into a new pasture. The sky is hazy in the summer during harvest when a lot of dust gets in the air.

Friends. I will also miss all of my close friends from high school, Gonzaga, my year in Bridgeport, and new ones I have made being back home. I love you all and am thankful for your friendship and support. I will save pictures for another time, but you all know who you are!
Thanks for checking out my pictures. I love coming home to such an incredible place and such amazing people. Even though it's hard to say goodbye, I'm happy to have such great people to miss while I am gone. I am very excited to get to Nepal and will do my best to post some very different pictures in the near future!

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