Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chitwan National Park

My second weekend in Nepal I was very lucky to take a trip to Chitwan National Park. Through a friend of a friend of the JVs...something like that...I met a woman who works at a travel agency and was headed to the park to check out a lodge. I was invited to tag along!! The park is in south central Nepal on the border with India and even though I only got to go for one was AMAZING!

Why am I making this face????

Because I'm was riding this elephant....AND.....

....watching this rhino!!!

On Sunday morning in Chitwan, we took canoes to check out the crocodiles in the river...and saw lots of wild birds like peacocks in the trees.

Then we got to walk to an elephant breeding ground and check out some babies. The picture on the right is a set of twins...the first at the this breeding ground, which is supposed to be very auspicious, and the picture on the left is a 7-month old that was getting brave enough to wander away from his mother. I tried to feed it grass but he threw is on the ground:)

Even though we didn't have much time to venture far into the park, it was a great outing for the weekend! I got to see lots of the Nepal countryside and the big difference between the hill region where I live, which runs through the center of Nepal and the Terai or plains region which is in the south. And, I got to see lots of elephants and a few other exotic animals. The elephants really were cool. They were walking around town, carrying big loads, and we even saw people washing their elephants in the river!
I hope you enjoyed the pictures! Take care back home and feel free to drop me a note anytime:)


Step by Step said...

It's Earl's Nepali relatives!

Wow, you are amazing and I love reading your blog. Thinking of you and missing you often!

Step by Step said...

I mean Nepalese. I'm an idiot.