Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Now...the Teachers Perform

Many of you have seen the pictures and heard about all of the students at my school performing in programs for Parent's Day. Well, after all the students are done with their dances, skits, jokes, and songs for the parents...the teachers have to take a turn. Some of you may know that I NEVER participated in any performance related events at school past about the 6th grade when it was mandatory. I don't know what happened along the way in high school but I do have quite the case of nervous anxiety now whenever I'm forced to get on a stage or up in front of a lot of people...and this event combined both the stage and about 1000 people watching!

As the planning and different performances were taking shape at school, I tried to lay low. But, the other lady teachers were determined I not be forgotten. I was signed right up for the traditional Nepali dance with the other teachers, told to find a fancy sari, and when to be at practice! Regardless of my initial hesitation the whole day turned about to be a lot of fun. I enjoyed practicing and spending time with the other female teachers. And, even though I was nervous, I didn't make any major mistakes during our dance, and my students were thrilled at the end of the day because I had kept my participation in the dance a secret.

And yes, of course there is picture evidence. I'm in the red sari on the far right.

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