Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Part Two.....

Day three....after leaving Poon Hill, I still had views of the mountains and then dropped back down into the trees for a walk along some water again. Really beautiful and relaxing.

Morning tea stop with monkeys for entertainment:)
We even had some larger wildlife on the trail....well, maybe not so wild. These cows actually stopped to like the salt off of my arm.
Figured I should have at least a few pictures of me or you would think I stole all the pictures from the internet and just said I went trekking!Just before evening and some rain, I made it to my stop for the thrid night. I also walked the second half of the day with some very friendly Germans so I had some company along the way. We had a great view from the guest house both in the evening and the next morning. Below is the Machhapuchhre Himal that is so famous in Nepal.
And again Annapurna South....

On the last day, I had to leave the mountain views behind, but still saw some really beautiful countryside. I loved this house surrounded by the really green rice fields.

I was able to go trekking because of the holiday from school. It is the biggest festival time of year in Nepal so we had to stop for some blessings and tika on the side of the trail. I was again walking the same trail as the group of friendly Germans so I was included in the tika!
And last....these swings made out of bamboo...yes, that is giant bamboo....were all over Nepal during the festivals. I don't know exactly what the tradition means, but I think every Nepali (or maybe Hindu) is supposed to swing at least once in their life. Plus, you can imagine the excitement this brings on for all the kids! Unfortunately I wasn't bold enough to jump in with the Nepalis and try it, but they sure were cool looking.

So, after four days of walking, I got to return to Pokhara and relax for a night. The next day I was back on a micro headed for Kathmandu and had a sleep in my own bed.

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