Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bhai Tika

During the early Fall, Nepal is known for having a string of holidays and festivals. During a holiday called Tihar there are a number of different celebrations, one of which is called Bhai Tika. Bhai means "little brother" in English, and Tika is the power you put on another persons forehead to give them a blessing. I was able to visit my homestay family again to celebrate Bhai Tika. The comination basically means that brothers and sisters come togehter every year...and this means all the brothers and sisters in the give each other blessings and gifts. First the sisters give blessings and put tika on the brothers, and finish by giving each brother a large plate of good food and treats. Next, the brothers put tika on the sisters and give them money or gifts.
The preparations of colorful tika, oil, and candles.
There is only one brother in my homestay family, which means including me there were five sisters giving tika.
Each sister adds a different color to the line of tika.
Now, the brother has to give the same colors of tika to each sisters. The leave helps keep the tika in a straight line.
My finished tika!
The whole group of kids after the offcials blessings and tika. Next we get to eat large amounts of rice, vegetables, meat, and other treats prepared for the day. Later the mother in the family had her sister and brothers over and they performed the same ceremony.

Everyone in the family participates. These are the three little cousin brothers from next door after they got their tika and treats. They were pretty darn excited about it all!

I am very thankful to have such a great family in Nepal that has included me in their lives. I continue to visit them on a regular visit, and they will be one of the most hart warming memories from my entire stay here. I look forward to learning more about their family and customs during the rest of my stay here!

1 comment:

Pallotti Center said...

God bless you and your work!